Methodological Characteristics of the Teaching of Professional Reasoning in Kinesiology: Qualitative Study




Teaching, learning, decision making, professional reasoning, physiotherapy, Quality education


Background. The initial training of healthcare professionals has exhibited persistent declared dysfunction since the Alma Ata declaration, which exposed the difficulties of conditioned reasoning due to mimetic assimilation in problem-solving. Objective. To understand the methodological characteristics of the processes used by teachers in teaching professional reasoning (PR) to kinesiology students. Methodology. A qualitative interpretive study was conducted using a purposive sampling method, through semi structured interviews (SSI) with 9 expert teachers (ET) in PR from accredited universities. The interviews were recorded on the Microsoft TEAMS® platform. Data were collected during 2020-2023 in 5 selected Chilean Kinesiology schools based on curricular evidence and ranking. Results. The emerging themes identified in the interviews with teachers were transcribed and coded using the Atlas.ti® software. It was found that the characteristics of case study analysis in different applications stood out as the predominant methodology in teaching PR, while the most recurrent assessment instrument was the Rubric. Conclusions. There is a wide range of strategies used by ETs to teach PR. These strategies consist of both traditional methodologies and more student-centered active resources, with theoretical and practical aspects characterized by the formative moment, the selected model, and the imprecise taxonomic articulation of strategies and assessment instruments. This highlights the need for a greater integration of factors for the learning of PR.

Author Biographies

Jonathan Araya-Ávila, Catholic University of the Maule

Licenciado en Kinesiología, Universidad Católica del Maule. Investigador Colaborador del Proyecto UCM-IN-22222. SAPERE-AUDE “Atrévete a Aprender”. Participante de la Convención ACHEK 2021 “Construyendo el Objeto de Estudio”. Beca laboral Escuela de Kinesiología, Línea de Razonamiento Profesional I y II Semestre año 2022. Estudiante cursante del diplomado “Modelos de Racionalidades profesionales en Kinesiología UCM Talca, Chile.”

Javiera Reyes-Alfaro, Catholic University of the Maule

Licenciada en Kinesiología, Universidad Católica del Maule. Investigador Colaborador del Proyecto UCM-IN-22222. SAPERE-AUDE “Atrévete a Aprender”. Participante de la Convención ACHEK 2021 “Construyendo el Objeto de Estudio” Interna Pediatría Hospital Regional de Talca, Chile. Estudiante cursante del diplomado de Terapia Manual UCM Talca, Chile. Certificación creatividad y composición musical perteneciente al Plan de Formación General de la Universidad Católica del Maule (SCT-Chile)

Lilian Araya-Ávila, Catholic University of the Maule

Licenciada en Kinesiología, Universidad Católica del Maule. Investigador Colaborador del Proyecto UCM-IN-22222. SAPERE-AUDE “Atrévete a Aprender”. Participante de la Convención ACHEK 2021 “Construyendo el Objeto de Estudio” Interna en el  Servicio de Medicina del Hospital Base de Linares, Chile. Estudiante cursante del diplomado de Terapia Manual UCM Talca, Chile. Curso de Agentes Físicos en Disfunción Musculoesquelética. Certificación Comunicación en Afectividad, Sexualidad y Familia perteneciente al Plan de Formación General de la Universidad Católica del Maule (SCT-Chile) equivalente a 450 horas cronológicas.

Máximo Escobar-Cabello, Catholic University of the Maule

Kinesiólogo, Especialista en Kinesiterapia Respiratoria, Magíster en Kinesiología de la Universidad Católica del Maule (UCM). Doctor en Educación de la Universidad del Bío-Bío. Académico responsable de la Línea de Razonamiento Profesional de la Escuela de Kinesiología UCM. Posee publicaciones en libros y revistas nacionales e internacionales referidas a la formación inicial de kinesiólogos.


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— Updated on 2024-07-25

How to Cite

Methodological Characteristics of the Teaching of Professional Reasoning in Kinesiology: Qualitative Study (J. Araya-Ávila, J. Reyes-Alfaro, L. Araya-Ávila, & M. Escobar-Cabello , Trans.). (2024). Revista Electrónica Educare, 28(2), 1-21.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)


How to Cite

Methodological Characteristics of the Teaching of Professional Reasoning in Kinesiology: Qualitative Study (J. Araya-Ávila, J. Reyes-Alfaro, L. Araya-Ávila, & M. Escobar-Cabello , Trans.). (2024). Revista Electrónica Educare, 28(2), 1-21.

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