Learning Based in Integrative Practical Cases in Engineering Education: A Case Study on Structural Dynamics
Experiential learning, engineering education, case method, integrative problem, case-based learning, Quality educationAbstract
Introduction. In engineering education, there is a continuous effort to enhance pedagogical methods to ensure effective and meaningful learning for students. Objective. This study aims to explore the implementation of real-life practical cases, based on experiential information, as integrative problems within engineering education. The goal is to motivate active learning and arouse interest in students. Discussion. By presenting the example of vehicle analysis in a structural dynamics course, the study examined how these practical cases can be adapted and modified using real data as a foundation, enabling students to actively reflect on and construct their learning. Conclusions. The study suggests integrating real-life practical cases into engineering education, enabling students to reflect on and construct their learning, thus promoting the fulfillment of competencies and aligning with the educational program’s profile.
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