Research in Postgraduation: Is it an Area of Substantive Action to Improve at Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica?




postgraduate programs, postgraduate research, professor, science, students, university, Quality education, academic performance


Objective. The aim of this paper is to describe the distinguishing features of the postgraduate programs at Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. This is done by characterizing the main research actions aimed at promoting academic research in science, technology, art, culture, and education in these programs. All these programs correspond to the Postgraduate Studies System at UNA (SEPUNA in Spanish). Method. This quantitative cross-sectional study examines information from a population of 1,400 students and 597 professors who participated in these programs between 2018 and 2020. The survey was used as a research technique; applying two questionnaires, one aimed at the student population with 698 responses and another at the teaching staff, with 194 responses in total. Results. The results show that the research conducted in the postgraduate programs requires the formulation and strengthening of research lines and research groups; both students and faculty are marginally dedicated to postgraduate studies, with a focus on teaching; professors participate significantly in the supervision of Final Graduation Projects; and it is identified by students and faculty that library services are the greatest stimulus that the college carries out in its postgraduate programs, but that the sense of self-efficacy of the student body needs to be strengthened within the postgraduate programs studied. Conclusions. The SEP and the Vice-Rectorate for Research must take action to create a scenario with more incentives and more time for research as a basis for the implementation of research lines and groups of postgraduate programs.

Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Montero-Corrales, National University of Costa Rica

Máster en política científica y tecnológica por la Universidad Estatal de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. Licenciado en Administración Pública por la Universidad de Costa Rica. Posee publicaciones asociadas al campo de la bibliometría, altmetría y evaluación de programas y proyectos científicos y sociales.

Mónica Granados-Quesada, National University of Costa Rica

Bachiller en Sociología por la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Egresada de la Licenciatura en Sociología (UNA); actualmente realizando la etapa final del TFG en torno a temas de género y derechos sexuales y reproductivos de mujeres. Estudiante asistente en la Vicerrectoría de Investigación (UNA) vinculada a procesos de planificación, evaluación e investigación. 

Damaris Castro-García, National University of Costa Rica

Maestría en Lingüística de la Universidad de Iowa, Estados Unidos, y Doctorado en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados de la Universidad de Salamanca, España, en conjunto con la Universidad de Oxford, Inglaterra. Actualmente es miembro del Consejo Central de Posgrado, docente, e investigadora de procesos asociados a la adquisición de lenguas.


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How to Cite

Research in Postgraduation: Is it an Area of Substantive Action to Improve at Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica? (C. A. Montero-Corrales, M. Granados-Quesada, & D. Castro-García , Trans.). (2024). Revista Electrónica Educare, 28(2), 1-22.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)


How to Cite

Research in Postgraduation: Is it an Area of Substantive Action to Improve at Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica? (C. A. Montero-Corrales, M. Granados-Quesada, & D. Castro-García , Trans.). (2024). Revista Electrónica Educare, 28(2), 1-22.

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