Training Competencies in School Religious Education from Spiritual Intelligence
Competencies, religious education, spirituality, spiritual intelligence, cultural pluralism, religion, SDG 4, quality education, competency-based education, SDG 16, peace, justice and strong institutions, religious LibertyAbstract
Objective. This article aims to examine the social representations of eleventh-grade students from nine educational institutions across five cities in Colombia, regarding the curricula of school religious education and its impact on comprehensive training. Specifically, as this study examines various variables, it will characterize students’ perspectives on the identity of school religious education (SRE) based on their experience in the course of their academic training, with particular emphasis on the category of spiritual intelligence. Methodology. A mixed-methodology approach was employed. From the quantitative perspective, a CAP-type survey was designed, evaluated, administered, and analyzed, involving 370 eleventh-grade students. From the qualitative perspective, a documentary investigation was conducted to delve into the various categories identified in the first stage. This was followed by an integrative meta-inferential process to account for the research question. Results. Some fundamental categories constituting the social representations of the students were identified, shaped by their particular religious experience and the experience as students of religious education. Likewise, the experience of an open and plural spirituality is evident, which questions the traditional approach of proposing school religious education. Conclusions. Particular attention was given to the category of spiritual intelligence insofar as it is possible to develop training directed towards the religious and transcendent dimension. In this way, school religious education provides a way of training in competencies that enable students to embrace their religious experience and search for meaning for their lives.
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