Teacher’s Appearance and its Effect on Learning: Student’s Perspective
Teacher’s appearance, learning desire, subjectivityAbstract
This work is part of a larger research project, which analyzes those characteristics of the teacher’s appearance that promote or inhibit the wish of students to learn. This study is based on the theoretical framework of psychoanalysis and the empirical data collected from the group 602, of the 2009-2010 academic year, of the Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa [Faculty of Psychology of the University of Sinaloa], Mexico. The study analyzes only those teacher’s characteristics that motivate students to learn. The objective is to know if the desire of Psychology students to learn a subject matter sparks when they feel identified with the teacher’s characteristics, upon the assumption that the teacher has characteristics or qualities that help students to feel identified with the so called “semblante docente” (teacher’s profile). A qualitative approach and the phenomenological method were used in this study. The techniques of data collection included a questionnaire and in-depth interviews. The main conclusion was that the same teacher does not have always the same effect on his/her students.
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