Attitude towards Teaching, Comprehensive Formation, and Students’ Life Project: The point of view of a group of students from the 11th grade in rural schools
Attitude, education, attitude towards teaching, stimulus, motivationAbstract
This paper refers to a cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach on the point of view of students from rural areas concerning teaching, comprehensive formation of students from the 7th to 11th grades and the students’ life project. The study was conducted in 2011 with the participation of 41 students from the 11th grade of the Costa Rican rural schools involved in the Esperanza Joven program of the School of Educology of the Universidad Nacional. The information was collected through a Likert scale. The results reported a positive attitude towards teacher’s performance, comprehensive formation, evaluation of learning, family and institutional stimulus, and personal goals. In contrast, there was a negative attitude about the motivation of the school to its students. This research included an objective analysis and provided accurate conclusions.
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