Educational, Epistemological and Methodological Perspectives in Civic Education Syllabus in Costa Rica
Epistemological approach, methodological approach, pedagogic approach, citizenship, citizenship literacy, official syllabusAbstract
This essay presents a reflection on civic education syllabus; the main objective is the revision and analysis of the educational, epistemological and methodological approach in which the syllabus is based. Moreover, a vision of the proposed official syllabus is considered in relation to the educational practice. Also, the citizenship skills are exposed from the theoretical perspectives that underlie the pedagogical, epistemological and methodological practices. The conclusions indicate that the approach of the proposed syllabus is based on a new vision for its classroom development, so that it can meet the Ethics, Aesthetics and Citizenship Project, and thus, promote the students attitudes, practices, and citizenship skills. Therefore, it is recommended that in its application, its contribution will be valued, in order to achieve an active and participatory citizenship.
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