Teaching Resources for Commercial Education Learning: A Higher Education Learning Experience Systematization
information and communications technologies (ICT), commercial education, experience systematization, teaching and learning resources, innovation.Abstract
This systematization of experiences in the course “Teaching Resources for Commercial Education Learning” mainly aims to analyze the teacher role and the relation with the utility and pertinence given to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the secretarial major. This course is part the bachelor´s degree program in Commercial Education. The methodology consisted in elaborating teaching devices with traditional technology and resources, as well as observing high school lessons where the secretarial major was taught. The observations led the students to elaborate teaching proposals. A qualitative approach was used during the systematization process. The main findings show that most of the teachers do not use ICT as teaching resources in their classes. Students pointed out to the need for having more interactive lessons with the help of technological devices. Through this systematization it is expected that teachers and students will be motivated to use and recognize the need to innovate their classes with new technologies.References
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