Preliminary Reflections to Think Training of Trainers in the Modern University: New Look and New Dialogs from the Perspective of Complexity




Complex thought, pedagogical principles, pedagogical subject, multidimensionality, action-reflection, contemporary critical pedagogy.


This article reflects on the epistemological principles underlying Morin’s complex thought in their relation with the formative and pedagogical processes in Chilean classrooms. The paper theme aims to relate the direct connection between the fundamental notions of the concept of complexity and the evaluation of certain active methodological principles enhancing the reflexivity and the students’ experience. The three basal and pedagogical assumptions of such connection are based on relations of dialog with the contextual diversity in the recursivity of the experience and in the hologramatic principle of knowledge. The purpose of the text is based on the presentation of critical arguments that allow tensioning the traditional ways of teaching and learning within the educational spaces. Conceptually, the notion of complexity allows the discussion with the educational tradition and with elements of change for a practical reflexivity on formative processes. These processes carry and imply new cognitive landscapes about teaching. The learning experience, the creative autonomy and the current context will be key foundations for future systemic transformations. Finally, a set of recommendations are proposed to implement active methodological actions that could be used in the various educational spaces in Chile.

Author Biography

Jorge Ferrada-Sullivan, Universidad de Los Lagos

Doctor en Filosofía, Magíster en Artes y Profesor de Historia y Geografía, Universidad de Chile. Profesor en áreas de las ciencias sociales como filosofía, epistemología, educación, estética y en seminarios de tesis e investigación en pregrado y postgrado. Además, en cargos directivos, supervisando procesos de gestión, desarrollo disciplinar y curricular. Recientemente jefe de la Carrera de Pedagogía en Artes, Universidad de Los Lagos, Puerto Montt y director de la Escuela de Educación de la Universidad Miguel de Cervantes. Participante de investigaciones en educación y en la realización de ponencias a nivel nacional e internacional, participante en congresos internacionales como: Escrituras para el Siglo XXI, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad de Cuyo, Mendoza; Epistemología y Ciencias Sociales, realizado en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y en el Epistemologías y Narrativas del Sur de la Universidad de Los Lagos. Posee experiencias en trabajos con comunidades culturales para el desarrollo local y en la creación de proyectos que permitan el surgimiento comunitario y social. Curador de exposiciones artísticas en la ciudad de Puerto Montt.


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How to Cite

Preliminary Reflections to Think Training of Trainers in the Modern University: New Look and New Dialogs from the Perspective of Complexity (J. Ferrada-Sullivan , Trans.). (2017). Revista Electrónica Educare, 21(2), 1-17.



Essays (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Preliminary Reflections to Think Training of Trainers in the Modern University: New Look and New Dialogs from the Perspective of Complexity (J. Ferrada-Sullivan , Trans.). (2017). Revista Electrónica Educare, 21(2), 1-17.

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