Masculinity and Feminity in Mexican Young Men: A Matter of Sexual Orientation?
Gender, masculinity, feminity, homosexuality, heterosexuality.Abstract
The relationship between masculinity and femininity in terms of sexual orientation is scarcely analyzed in Mexico City. This study compared the results obtained from the application of the Masculinity and Femininity Inventory (IMAFE) to two samples of men: one homosexual, and one heterosexual; both groups aged between 17 and 25 years. The first sample consisted of 56 subjects, and the second one was of 57, for a total of 113 people. Most of them had a degree, and a minimum percentage of the participants had an associate’s degree. After grading the tests, the data were analyzed by using the Student’s t-test. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the IMAFE scales. It is concluded that there are no differences in the masculinity and femininity of the subjects according to their sexual orientation, although a tendency to androgyny is observed. The findings of this exploration can be used as aspects contributing to an education that favors the tolerance to the diversity and, therefore, the dismantling of obscenities toward the homosexual people.References
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