Supporting Educational Needs and Interests of Teachers from the Accompaniment and Listening of The Researcher-teacher




Listening, dialogue, group dynamics, participation, transformation, teaching role and action research


This process takes place under the qualitative paradigm through participatory action research (PAR) in a Care Network, located in Alajuela, Costa Rica. The main question that leads the reflection process is: how to support the teacher in finding answers to her educational needs, in the Maternal group dynamics, from my support and listening as a teacher-researcher? The answer comes through dialogue with the teacher and listening to her needs and pedagogical interests in response to group dynamics. All this as a result of reflection, analysis and systematization of various meetings with her. The participants in the study are; the teacher from Maternal group, a group of seven children, with ages between 2 to 3 years and me as a educator-researcher. The strategies used to collect the data were participant observation, use of diary entries and especially audio-recorded interviews. As main findings of the PAR: I found that the teacher started empowering her work based on the trust and listening to her needs by a companion that shared her concerns. Also, the group dynamic passes from a rigid structure to a ludic space, thanks to several intervention strategies from a comprehensive care and development perspective. The action research process developed reflects the importance of support for teachers in their educational institutions, since the creation of spaces for listening to their needs and interests allows all parties to work together thus acknowledging their needs. This support should incentivate, not destroy, the teaching work.

Author Biography

Stefany Ocampo-Hernández, Universidad Nacional

Bachiller en Educación Preescolar, Universidad de Costa Rica. Master en Pedagogía con énfasis al Desarrollo y Atención Integral a la Primera Infancia de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Ha laborado en instituciones privadas como docente de primaria. También como voluntaria para la Unión Internacional de la Conservación de la Naturaleza en el Museo de Costa Rica, a cargo de la exposición Inteligencia Natural. Actualmente laboro como coordinadora de Bienestar Estudiantil en la Universidad de la Salle, Costa Rica.



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How to Cite

Supporting Educational Needs and Interests of Teachers from the Accompaniment and Listening of The Researcher-teacher (S. Ocampo-Hernández , Trans.). (2016). Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(2), 1-19.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Supporting Educational Needs and Interests of Teachers from the Accompaniment and Listening of The Researcher-teacher (S. Ocampo-Hernández , Trans.). (2016). Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(2), 1-19.

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