Some Considerations on Transdisciplinarity and Higher Education
university, transdisciplinarity, academic dependency, methodological nationalism, diffusionAbstract
Over the past two centuries, it has been claimed that science is neutral and apolitical, without considering that, as a human construction, it cannot hold a special status. That is, it is historically conditioned as any other activity. Modern science acquired its current disciplinary division in the nineteenth century, largely because of the development of industrial capitalism that covered the globe and the formation of nation states and their organization within the interstate system. Thus, it is a particular way of understanding and studying reality, but not the only one. The theoretical and methodological choices made during this period have been imposed as the natural way of apprehending reality.
The current phase of the process of globalization has shown that, the nineteenth-century epistemological framework, and the methodological nationalism as part of this framework, is insufficient to explain systemic phenomena and revealed the necessity to transcend it.
In this historical context, it is more important than ever to overcome academic dependency, and to adopt a critical attitude for international division of academic work, and the structuring of an agenda for transnational education so as not to be detrimental to the poorest areas and populations of the world. This means that, the university should define its role with regard to society from a political dimension, before deciding and making its own transition to a reform. Transdisciplinarity plays a major role in overcoming the old models of science and university.
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