Secular Criticism in the Teaching of Literature: A Bridge to Connect the Letters with Human Experiences, Social Realities and Institutions of Power


  • Esteban Barboza Núñez Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



literary criticism, secular criticism, literature teaching and learning


Abstract. Based on the contribution of Palestinian literary critic and thinker Said (1983), who coined the term “secular criticism,” this article analyzes the possibility of applying this concept to the process of teaching literature at elementary, secondary and college levels. We should understand secular criticism as the mode of textual analysis that sees literature inherently linked to human experiences, social realities in which it is produced and to the institutions of power that consent or suppress it. The main proposal of the article will be to suggest a methodology to approach literary texts in the classroom from a mundane perspective; that is, linking them to the outside world. In this sense, and using primary literary sources as examples, as well as literary theory, the article will propose turning the study of literature into a tool to analyze, question and challenge the realities that produce it.

Author Biography

Esteban Barboza Núñez, Universidad de Costa Rica

Bachiller en la enseñanza del inglés por la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Magister en literatura inglesa por la Universidad de Costa Rica. Académico de la Sede Regional Chorotega de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Académico de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede de Guanacaste. En ambas instituciones se ha dedicado principalmente a la enseñanza de la literatura en lengua inglesa, cultura, expresión oral y composición escrita, entre otros. Entre las áreas de interés sobresalen los estudios poscoloniales, el análisis del discurso colonial, los estudios culturales y la didáctica de la literatura. Ha publicado artículos relacionados con dichos campos en revistas como Repertorio Americano y Letras, de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica; Intersedes, de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Itsmo, revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos; así como ponencias en congresos internacionales y seminarios de literatura y educación tales como CILCA (Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana), CILAP (Congreso Internacional de Lingíistica Aplicada, de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica), Seminario Internacional de Educación de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Sede Chorotega.


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Eagleton, T. (1993). Literary Theory: An Introduction. Nueva York: Vintage Books.

Guerin, A. (1999). A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. Nueva York: Oxford University


Gunn, G. (2004). On Edward Said. Scholarship Repository, 18, 21-34. Recuperado de escholarship.


Mufti, A. (2004). Critical Secularism: A Reintroduction for Perilous Times. Boundary 31(2), 5-11.

Ranson, J. (1979). The New Criticism. New York: Greenwood Press.

Said. E. (1978). Orientalism. Nueva York: Vintage Books.

Said, E. (1983). The World, the Text, and the Critic. Nueva York: Vintage Books.

Said. E. (1992). Cultura e imperialismo. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama.

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How to Cite

Secular Criticism in the Teaching of Literature: A Bridge to Connect the Letters with Human Experiences, Social Realities and Institutions of Power (E. Barboza Núñez , Trans.). (2010). Revista Electrónica Educare, 14(2), 81-89.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Secular Criticism in the Teaching of Literature: A Bridge to Connect the Letters with Human Experiences, Social Realities and Institutions of Power (E. Barboza Núñez , Trans.). (2010). Revista Electrónica Educare, 14(2), 81-89.

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