Deconstructing the Notion of Inclusion: An Analysis of Studies, Policies and Practices in Education
Inclusion, deconstruction, equity, equality, inclusive policiesAbstract
This paper demonstrates that the notion of inclusion, which is used both in public policies and educational research, encompasses two distinct and incompatible concepts in the production of knowledge: inclusive education vs. social inclusion at school. This research deconstructs the notion of inclusion in education, based on the analysis of theoretical texts and international studies in education (2000-2015). Therefore, in this paper we identify three main findings that allow us to define the two concepts: (1) they are processes of a different nature, based on specific definitions and languages; (2) they have different conceptions of democracy, which influence the focus on school or on society; and (3) they are based on different ontological principles, equity or equality, determining contradictory practices of implementation. In conclusion, we recommend considering which concept supports future research in education to propose studies, policies, and practices consistent with the ontological frame adopted.
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