Postgraduate Teaching Students’ Evaluation of the Training in Research Methodology Received During Their Degree, and Its Use in Teaching Practice
Undergraduate training, teacher training, research methodology, research teachingAbstract
This article analyzes postgraduate teaching students’ evaluations of the training in research methodology received during their degree and its use in the teaching practice. The participants are students attending the Research Methodology course corresponding to a Master’s program, in the pedagogical field, at the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. The methodology was qualitative, using open questionnaires and a discussion group. The data were analyzed using a categorical analysis and reduction, through ATLAS.ti 6.0. The main results show a critical view of the participants on the methodology and research training they received in undergraduate courses, as well as the insufficiencies in the training that is focused on the degree´s thesis design and not on giving tools to practice the profession. The participants questioned the role of the university in the education of teachers who do research. Regarding the uses of research methodology in the professional practice, although varied, they are limited by training deficits and institutional conditions. Despite their critics, the participants have high valuation of the significance of research methodology for the development of their professional practice. These results encourage us to suggest elements to nourish the debate about the way in which research methodology should be taught, as well as what research methodology is taught for, in order to contribute to the professional development processes of the teaching-research teams.
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