Gobernar es educar


  • Oscar Arias-Sánchez Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica




Education plays a critical role in the reduction of the most prominent enemy of peace, democracy, and human development: poverty. It is the catalyst of the constructive participation in the social and political processes of those groups traditionally silenced and excluded from development.

Education is particularly important in a global society. It is a fundamental factor to understand the pluralism of the nations and their cultural diversity. It contributes to the national and regional integration. Education, viewed as everyone's responsibility, should not only be aimed at instructing and training individuals for the labor market, but also at educating them in a series of principles and values. In so doing, educating by the example should play a major role.

The author concludes stressing the importance that participation in politics becomes a pedagogical practice. Politicians should become educators capable of generating knowledge for themselves and the people they represent. They should model with their example the principles the preach. To do politics and govern is to educate.

Author Biography

Oscar Arias-Sánchez, Universidad de Costa Rica


Arias Sánchez, O. (s.f.). Gobernar es educar. Informe Final sobre Desarrollo Humano, PNUD, Comisión de Alto nivel del proyecto RLA/96/001. PNUD.



How to Cite

Gobernar es educar (O. Arias-Sánchez , Trans.). (2001). Revista Electrónica Educare, 1, 29-36. https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.2001-1.2



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Gobernar es educar (O. Arias-Sánchez , Trans.). (2001). Revista Electrónica Educare, 1, 29-36. https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.2001-1.2

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