Interpretation of the andean rural school in aimara communities of Puno-Perú




Andean rural school, sense of education, Aymara cosmovision, epistemology of hope


This article is an approximation to the ontological understanding of education from the indigenous-Aymara thinking. It is approached from the interpretative and contextual paradigm, basically using the hermeneutical method, aimed at the understanding and interpretation of the meaning that the community leaders and the Aymara population settled in the southern zone of Puno-Peru give to the school. The information was collected through documentary analysis, in-depth interviews marked by dialogical events that ensured equal interaction between the interlocutors, and based on the experience of shared life as Aymara people (between authors, authors and subjects of study). Through the process of re-interpretative analysis (interpretation of the interpretation), the gathered information has allowed establishing, as results of the study, that the presence of the Andean rural school, directed and administered by the Peruvian State, remains contrary to the sense given by the Aymara community to the expectations and experiences of particular life; it also remains as an excluding, vertical and rigid entity, as well as alien to the Aymara cosmovision. The study concludes that the epistemologies of hope have no place in Aymara thought; therefore, they do not want a school to stop being poor and marginalized in an uncertain time. According to the Aymara communities, the rural school should give meaning to life, enabling the full flowering of the being to live with dignity today, tomorrow and forever, in such a way that the school is not a hope of well-being, but rather the permanent emotional enjoyment (today) from which life is lived in harmony. This implies rethinking educational conceptions and policies from the State, ensuring a permanent process of openness and recognition of the ways of life and thought of indigenous populations.

Author Biographies

Saúl Bermejo-Paredes, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

Licenciado en Educación, Magíster en Lingüística Andina y Educación, Doctor en Educación.  Es docente principal, Coordinador de Investigación en la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano Puno-Perú. Fue: Director Regional de Educación Región Puno, Decano de Facultad, Decano del Colegio de Profesores del Perú Región Puno y Vicepresidente del Gobierno Regional de Puno. Expositor en eventos académicos nacionales e internacionales.

Yanet Amanda Maquera-Maquera, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

Licenciada en Educación, Magíster en Educación Bilingüe Intercultural y Administración de la Educación y Doctor en Educación.  Actualmente es, docente auxiliar de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano Puno-Perú. Publicó 03 textos universitarios y artículos en revistas científicas.


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How to Cite

Interpretation of the andean rural school in aimara communities of Puno-Perú (S. Bermejo-Paredes & Y. A. Maquera-Maquera , Trans.). (2019). Revista Electrónica Educare, 23(2), 1-15.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

Interpretation of the andean rural school in aimara communities of Puno-Perú (S. Bermejo-Paredes & Y. A. Maquera-Maquera , Trans.). (2019). Revista Electrónica Educare, 23(2), 1-15.

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