Education and Human Rights from the Juridical Viewpoint of Sexual Diversity: Boundaries, Resistance, and Challenges from the Argentinian Socio- Legal Experience
Human rights, education, sexual discriminationAbstract
In the current globalized world, the individualism is emphasized, threatening human values to capitulate within market relationships. In this context, education emerges as a powerful tool to revalue the human being as a person and in the relationship with others. Therefore, this essay aims to explore LGBTI groups’ human rights and analyze how these rights of sexual diversity work as a necessary analytical approach to promote tolerance, as well as respect, through education. To do this, it will be studied how the international scenario is channeled into the local level through the Ley 26150 de Educación Sexual Integral, 2006 (Argentinian law on Integral Sexual Education), and its compliance will be tested implementing surveys and semi-structured interviews. In this regard, specific analytical criteria have been used, such as the level of education of teachers, the existence of real situations of discrimination based on sexual motivations within school facilities, and the boundaries and resistances that come from other social environments. Therefore, we prove that, despite the new legal progressive advances, the daily enforcement of the sexual education law shows limits that derive from the cultural context, as well as from the lack of training of teachers.
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