What Do High School Students Learn About Physical Education?
Educación Física, Pensamiento del Alumnado, Aprendizaje, Estudio de Caso.Abstract
In the teaching and learning process, there are interactions between teachers, students, materials, experiences, and means; this forms a significant whole in which learning takes place. The students’ thinking about what they learn in class and the importance they give to that learning are factors that affect the attitude towards the Physical Education subject. The objective of this research was to study students’ beliefs and perceptions regarding learning in physical education classes. The research is a case study involving 93 students of 11th grade, from an educational institution in the city of Medellín, Colombia. The information was collected through observation, a questionnaire, and focus groups. SPSS software was used for the information analysis of the questionnaire, and the Nvivo program, for focus groups and observation. The students consider that the main lessons they draw from the subject are the application of motor skills, the knowledge of the functioning of the body, and the learning of knowledge and application of sport’s rules. Most students believe that Physical Education subject should serve to improve health and fitness condition and learn values. These results should guide physical education with involvement in the cognitive field, as well as a value maker and improvement of human motor skills.
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