Perception of Pedagogy Students About the Usefulness of Blogs in Education
Blog, education, students of pedagogy, content analysis, scaleAbstract
The use of blogs, given their ease of creation and functionality, can be an opportunity for teachers in training to use ICT in education. In this research we ask what perception the teaching staff in training have of the use of blogs in an academic context of higher education and what experience of use and interaction with blogs they had at school level. For this reason, in order to obtain information at university level, we used the scale of assessment of the usefulness of blogs in higher education. A semi-structured interview was applied to learn about the experience of using and interacting with blogs at school level and how it projects the use of blogs as future teachers. The sample was 100 first-year students of pedagogy, enrolled in pedagogy careers of a faculty of education of a university in the south of Chile. The results indicate that, at the school level, most students did not use or interact with blogs, and that, at the higher education level, the least favored dimension is implementing curriculum by using blogs.
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