Charter of Healthy Pedagogy: Reunions of Life, Dialogue, and Peace
Healthy pedagogy, life, dialogue, peace, ethics, coexistence, reunionAbstract
The purpose of this document is to promote the Charter of Healthy Pedagogy, which constitutes a declaration in favor of life, dialogue and peace. From a methodological point of view, it is based on a research project conducted at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE, Center for Teaching and Research in Education) of the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA, National University of Costa Rica). Based on the project titled “Healthy Pedagogy” conducted by the División de Educación Básica (Department of Basic Education), CIDE, between 2013 and 2016, a robust theoretical framework has been constructed, which invites and confronts the reader to reconsider the pedagogical processes as vital ones. This Charter is a direct result of the entire research process, which extends the horizon of considerations and actions regarding the ethical commitments and challenges to discover new education landscapes towards a culture of care and a reunion with life. The Charter of Health Pedagogy transcends the scope of college education and constitutes a document that inspires healthy pedagogic mediation processes throughout all education levels in an attempt to experience vital spaces in favor of integral growth. From the principles this Charter is based on to promote education from complexity, the student as a whole, the ethics of care in pedagogic mediation, the construction of learning communities, the religation, and the existence of a cosmic conscience are all recognized.
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