Moral Dilemmas for Rural Contexts: Construction and Validation in a Colombian Secondary School
Dilemma, morale, judgment, rural contexts, secondary school.Abstract
This paper is the result of a research project aimed at constructing and validating moral dilemmas for students of rural contexts. In the first phase the teacher compiled moral situations of interest to her students. During the second phase, the researchers designed dilemmas responding to predetermined criteria, and in the third phase the teacher presented 9 dilemmas to her class. The group analyzed the information in videos, students’ posters and worksheets, the teacher’s daily activity report, and the researchers’ observation log. Fifteen moral dilemmas resulted at the end, from which nine were put into practice, and of those six were validated. The remaining three dilemmas that were not validated could be polished thanks to the learning experience gained by the research team in relation to creating dilemmas, the students’ performance at facing dilemmas and the teacher´s role in the development of dilemmas in class. This opens a new panorama full of different research problems related to moral dilemmas.
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