Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
The paper/article has been submitted in Microsoft Word.
The references include URLs or DOIs whenever possible.
he article has not been published or submitted simultaneously to other publishing media.
The article/paper is presented with the following characteristics: Spacing: 1.5; Font: Times, Times New Roman or Arial; Font Size 12pt. Italics are used instead of underlined words (except for URLs); has included all tables and figures where they should be located in the text.
The files submitted include title, abstract and keywords in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
A file with a brief curriculum of each author is attached in the submission papers. Its written as a 5 line paragraph.
Attached are the authorizations for the use of images, tables and figures that are not owned by the author.
The Copyright Letter (Originality Statement and Transfer Agreement) is attached to the submission papers and has been signed by all the authors.
Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)
Artículo cientifico
Se deriva de una investigación, experiencia de acción social o de docencia y da cuenta de parte de ella. Refiere los alcances logrados y sus posibles aplicaciones científicas. Plantea los objetivos, el método utilizado y los resultados de la parte escogida para compartir en la revista. Debe expresar sus propios propósitos y mostrar independencia respecto de la investigación que lo sustenta; esto es, tiene que manifestar autosuficiencia semántica.
El artículo de revisión bibliográfica
Plantea una revisión bibliográfica de un determinado ámbito de estudio relacionado con la temática que la revista aborda. Puede repasar los expositores más relevantes, sus ideas principales y sus aportes. Puede hacer análisis y comentarios basados en afirmaciones objetivas y sustentadas.
Essays (Peer Reviewed Section)
Es el tipo de texto expositivo que defiende una tesis o contrapone dos tesis acerca del objeto de estudio específico que trata. Es un discurso muy reflexivo en el que se centra el énfasis en el análisis de los estudios vigentes y en las ideas planteadas hasta ese momento, con el objetivo de trascender sus alcances y poner en discusión su relevancia. Es un texto de madurez, en el cual lo fundamental está constituido por la discusión de las ideas.
Copyright Notice
1. In case the submitted paper is accepted for publication, the author(s) FREELY, COSTLESS, EXCLUSIVELY AND FOR AN INDEFINITE TERM transfer copyrights and patrimonial rights to Universidad Nacional (UNA, Costa Rica). For more details check the Originality Statement and Copyright Transfer Agreement
2. REUTILIZATION RIGHTS: UNA authorizes authors to use, for any purpose (among them selfarchiving or autoarchiving) and to publish in the Internet in any electronic site, the paper´'s final version, both approved and published (post print), as long as it is done with a non commercial purpose, does not generate derivates without previous consentment and recognizes both publisher's name and authorship.
3. The submission and possible publication of the paper in the Educare Electronic Journal is ruled by the Journal’s editorial policies, the institutional rules of Universidad Nacional and the laws of the Republic of Costa Rica. Additionally, any possible difference of opinion or future dispute shall be settled in accordance with the mechanisms of Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Costa Rican Jurisdiction.
4. In all cases, it is understood that the opinions issued are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position and opinion of Educare, CIDE or Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. It is also understood that, in the exercise of academic freedom, the authors have carried out a rogorous scientific-academic process of research, reflection and argumentation thar lays within the thematic scope of interest of the Journal.
5. The papers published by Educare Electronic Journal use a Creative Commons License:
Privacy Statement
The names, e-mail addresses, ORCID identifiers and any other information related to the collaborators will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be available for any other use.