Escala de actitudes hacia la tecnología en la labor docente aplicada a profesores de primaria de informática educativa en Costa Rica. Análisis de validez y confiabilidad
Artículo retractado. This paper examines the results obtained from the validity and reliability analysis of the constructed “Attitudes Toward Technology in Teaching” scale. Data were collected from 319 tutors and teachers of educational informatics working in Costa Rican public primary schools. The schools work under the National Program on Educational Informatics for grades I to VI of the Costa Rican Ministry of Education and the Omar Dengo Foundation. The scale was first composed of 115 items which sere divided into eleven categories. Further analysis allowed a reordering of the categories and the removal of several items with factor loadings lower than 0.4 and correlations lower than 0.3. The reliability analysis resulted in a Cronbach's coefficient alpha of 0.8985, leading to the conclusion that the scale is reliable. Finally, taking into account the obtained results, a new scales was constructed with 41 items, grouped in seven categories and subdivided into two dimensions.
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