The master class in the context of the competency-based educational model
Master class, teaching methods, competency-based education, educationAbstract
The change of the curricular model in higher education towards one based on competencies has generated the search for methodologies that allow the active participation of the student body in the teaching-learning process. This is how the methodologies used in a traditional way, such as the master class, have been rethought. The objective of this article was to carry out a critical analysis of the master class through a narrative review. The material was reviewed using the Scielo, Web of Science and Google Academic databases, and in education journals using the keywords master class, master lesson, education, and in English master class and education, from 2000 to 2018. found, using these keywords: eleven empirical articles, two qualitative articles, a meta-analysis, eight reviews, two theses and two book chapters. In relation to the main findings, it is concluded that despite the fact that most of the evidence discredits the master class, ways to optimize it and not eliminate it are proposed, understanding that the combination with other strategies enhances the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. Among the implications of this study is the need not to lose sight of the fact that the important thing would not be the strategy or methodology, but rather that it allows the acquisition of necessary skills for the proper insertion of the student in the workplace.
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