The Availability for Work of Master’s Students: A Comparison From the Gender Variable




Higher education, work attitude, women’s work, questionnaire


Introduction. This study focuses on the availability to work of a sector of the university population from a gender perspective. It is a new contribution to the R+D+i Project “Research Challenges: RTI2018-098794-B-C31 DINARISK XXI,” oriented to society’s challenges; It is also a contribution of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union. Objective. The study has two basic objectives. On the one hand, to know the predisposition towards work of the postgraduate students and, on the other hand, to create a profile of the participants through their personal, formative, and working characteristics. Method. To this end, 176 postgraduate students have participated; most of them were women, 109 (61.9%), and 67 were men (38.1%). The methodology based on the comparative analysis (through mean scores, standard deviations, and T-Student) of data from different groups has been used to establish relationships between these groups and explain the variations that occur in them. Results and conclusions. The results highlight women’s preference over men for jobs involving a market stand, part-time jobs, and jobs requiring continuous training. The instrument used allows us to characterize the sample regarding its predisposition to employment and the area of knowledge of the Master’s degree the participants are studying. Therefore, this instrument can be used in other studies. 

Author Biographies

María José Gómez-Torres, Universidad de Sevilla

Doctor in Pedagogy and titular professor of the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Seville. Seville (Spain). Member of the SEJ322 Research Group: Economic integration and disintegration in the company.

Antonia López-Martínez, Universidad de Sevilla

Doctor in Pedagogy and titular professor of the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Seville. Seville (Spain). Member of the Didactic Research Group: Technological and qualitative analysis of teaching-learning processes.


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How to Cite

The Availability for Work of Master’s Students: A Comparison From the Gender Variable (M. J. Gómez-Torres & A. López-Martínez , Trans.). (2021). Revista Electrónica Educare, 25(3), 1-17.



Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed Section)

How to Cite

The Availability for Work of Master’s Students: A Comparison From the Gender Variable (M. J. Gómez-Torres & A. López-Martínez , Trans.). (2021). Revista Electrónica Educare, 25(3), 1-17.

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