Strategic learning in traditional distance mode: characterization of teaching-learning
metacognition, educational quality, learning strategies, teaching strategies, student permanenceAbstract
Introduction. Distance learning focuses on solving difficulties in coverage and access to higher education that arise in the Colombian territory and Latin America. However, in the search for educational quality, it is necessary to analyze the complexities associated with the teaching learning process that are immersed in this innovative alternative. This article presents the results derived from a teaching research project. Objective. To characterize the teaching-learning processes implemented in higher education in the traditional distance mode. Method. A mixed approach with concurrent nested design, in which an instrument adapted from the ACRA test and three focus groups were applied; a sample of 108 students and 78 teachers participated in the research project. Results. The results show greater frequency in the use of acquisition and support strategies; the most common ones for students are underlining, note-taking, checklists, and peer support. There is evidence of ignorance of the usefulness of graphic organizers. Teachers use project-based learning, the dynamization of meetings, and the relationship of contents with the student’s daily life. Conclusions. Creating academic communities is recommended to optimize teaching processes, the use of application strategies, and intra-content relationships in class and tutoring. It is also recommended to optimize and train in information support and retrieval strategies and guarantee flexibility, accessibility, quality, and equity in the curriculum.
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