School Repetition: Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Time Perspective in Peruvian Adolescents in Lima Metropolitan Area
Self-efficacy, temporal perspective, repetition, students, high schoolAbstract
Introduction. School repetition is a perceived school phenomenon, but it has not been addressed in Latin America; this is evidenced in the low scientific production of the population concerning the variables self-efficacy and temporal perspective. In this sense, the present research aimed to examine the relationship between self-efficacy and temporal perspective in repeater students of secondary level. Method. The General Self-Efficacy Scale instrument, using its Peruvian version (Grimaldo Muchotrigo, 2005), and Temporary Perspective Inventory (Díaz-Morales, 2006) were applied. The sample consisted of 157 school students who repeated the school year at the primary or secondary level. Results. The results indicate a moderate and positive relationship between self-efficacy and the future dimension (r = 0.48), positive past (r = 0.32) and hedonistic present (r = 0.30), and a low and positive relationship between self-efficacy and negative past (r = 0.22) and fatalistic present (r = 0.27). Discussion. It is concluded that there is a moderate relationship between self-efficacy and prospects that should be examined in future studies, understanding that the population of repeater students is a group that has not yet been studied. In fact, these results have strong practical implications because they show the need to explore psychological variables in a population with grade repetition and to carry out approaches from the psycho-pedagogical departments of the educational centers.
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