Pedagogical Use of Blogs in the Attitudinal Component of Written Communication Skills
Attitude, Virtual Learning Environment, writing, competitionAbstract
Objective. With this study, based on Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) and the three-dimensional theory of attitude, it is intended to determine the impact of the pedagogical use of blogs in WIX –a web development platform– on the attitudinal component of written communicative competence in the student body of the Writing Leveling course at the Technological University of Peru (UTP). Methodology. Quasi-experimental design and the quantitative approach will be discussed. The sample consisted of 50 students: 26 for the control and 24 for the experiment, in which a three-dimensional Likert scale survey was applied, in a pretest and posttest. Results. The results showed that the experimental group experienced the Achieved level and the In process control. In the first and second dimensions, the experiment reached the Achieved level (m = 29.08) and (m = 29.08), respectively. Instead, the control group assigned the In process level (m = 23.73) and (m = 26.77), respectively. In the third dimension, both groups reached the In process level: m = 28.08 and m = 26.35, respectively. Conclusions. The students who specified the blog significantly affected the taste for academic writing and greatly improved the perception of it, but could not completely modify the behavioral predisposition, which showed that working with non-institutional digital platforms does not guarantee that there is temporal consistency. Among the components of attitude, so that the perception of novice writers is not detected, modifications, at the same time, that the taste for writing and the way of acting as writers. The components can be specifically developed.
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