Towards a Transformation of Angolan Society: ICT and COVID-19 in Higher Education
Angola, digital platforms, higher education, improvement of the teaching staff, COVID-19Abstract
Introduction. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Republic of Angola, committed to the development of Angolan society, have reviewed their policies to implement information and communication technologies (ICT) to help teachers to succeed and increase their teaching awareness and train the students. The methodological difficulties in implementing digital platforms from 2020-2022 in Angolan Higher Education and the adjustments made due to COVID-19 are still drawbacks for the appropriation of the knowledge to solve problems. Objective. To diagnose the current situation in the management of ICT in the HEIs of Angola. Methodology. The research was conducted with a descriptive project based on the qualitative and quantitative methodology, and the information was processed with the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software program. Results. From the application, processing, and interpretation of the questionnaires applied to specialists, it is possible to infer that the use of technological resources can improve good educational practices concerning the possibility of personalized attention to the students, considering the needs and potentialities observed in the process of formation. Conclusions. The engaged participation of the researchers made it possible to conclude that it is essential to carry out pedagogical improvement courses in educational technology to achieve better levels of efficiency in developing the teaching-educational process in distance education (DE). Recommendation. The creation of conditions is needed for virtual teaching practices in Angolan HEIs.
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