Three Phases of Ethical Reflection in Educational Research: An Experience from Research on Memory and Human Rights




Educational research, ethical reflection, human rights, memory, SDG 4, vocational training, SDG 16, fundamental human rights


Introduction. Ethical reflection is a fundamental component of research. This reflection becomes particularly important when it is situated in a process of continuous and permanent questioning in the course of educational research that addresses the teaching of controversial issues in a country’s history. Aim. This study analyses ethical aspects within a doctoral research project on history professors’ perceptions regarding the approach to controversial issues in Chile’s recent history that involve acts of human rights violations. Methods. The ethical reflections of the researchers are examined through methodological self-awareness and participants’ perceptions of the development of the research process, following the steps for content analysis proposed by the Constructivist Grounded Theory. Results. The most relevant ethical aspects are identified for each of the three research phases—design, execution, and projection. Among these are the actions taken to promote freedom of dialogue to avoid re-victimization, compensation for potential inconveniences associated with debate on negative memories, and reciprocity and charity for social transformation. Conclusions. The study highlights the need to establish a dialogue of continuous ethical reflection in educational research that aims to ensure compliance with human rights and the protection of the dignity of the person.

Author Biographies

Karina Carrasco-Jeldres, Catholic University of the Maule

Licenciada en Historia y en Educación. Actualmente estudiante del Programa de Doctorado en Educación en Consorcio de la Universidad del Maule y doctoranda en cotutela internacional en el Programa de Doctorado en Lingüística, Literatura y Traducción en la Universidad de Málaga. En su tesis doctoral investiga el pensamiento del profesorado de historia al abordar la historia reciente de Chile. Es becaria ANID Chile.

Mariana Lazzaro-Salazar, Catholic University of the Maule

Trabaja en el Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados del Maule, Chile. Es investigadora asociada del Language in the Workplace Project (Victoria University of Wellington, Nueva Zelanda), miembro del Comité Asesor Editorial UCM, directora de la revista UCMaule, miembro Comité Académico del Programa de Doctorado en Educación, líder de clúster en HKU RIICH y asesora de doctorado en la Universidad de Lovaina.


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How to Cite

Three Phases of Ethical Reflection in Educational Research: An Experience from Research on Memory and Human Rights (K. Carrasco-Jeldres & M. Lazzaro-Salazar , Trans.). (2024). Revista Electrónica Educare, 28(3).

How to Cite

Three Phases of Ethical Reflection in Educational Research: An Experience from Research on Memory and Human Rights (K. Carrasco-Jeldres & M. Lazzaro-Salazar , Trans.). (2024). Revista Electrónica Educare, 28(3).

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