Toward Transdisciplinary Research by Means of Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning, research, participative research, public health.Abstract
This paper is based on the observation that fifth year Medicine students do not have enough skills in statistics, IT, or information management to adequately prepare and implement research projects. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to describe the experiences obtained by using the cooperative learning method and to present the results obtained by students in their research projects. In order to meet the proposed objectives the cooperative learning method was applied to several topics of the Public Health course in the Medical Program. Consequently, students were divided into five groups to interact with health care specialists and workers, workers from other sectors, and the general public. They identified the most urgent health problems in a participative manner and conducted a research project. The students’ acceptance of the method was evaluated using an exploratory statistical technique. As a result, students analyzed data, drew conclusions, and participated in debates having the professor as the facilitator and coordinator. All groups successfully presented the results of their research projects, which included 2 projects on the control of Dengue and the Aedes aegypti mosquito and 3 on potential maternal mortality risks. Surveys reflected acceptance of the method. The experiences obtained by using the cooperative learning technique and the results obtained by students in their projects are described; this experience should be systematized.
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