Multiplier Modality in Parent Counseling
Family counseling, multiplier modality, participative methodology, parents’ experiences.Abstract
This article summarizes a counseling experience with parents from educational institutions in the provinces of San José and Heredia, Costa Rica. The multiplier modality was the strategy used in the Social Action Project entitled “Family Strengthening”, from the Education for Work Division (DET) at Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. A group of counseling professionals and educators from this Division trained eighteen professionals, including counselors and other specialists, as facilitators on topics such as family communication, anger management, family worldview, and project planning in order to work with parents using a participative methodology, which took into account the experiences of participants involved in family counseling projects. Projects were implemented in 9 institutions, and a total of 105 mothers and 6 fathers participated. The section summarizing achievements highlights the impact of the methodological shift from “lectures” to parent participation, where they share their own vital experiences on family life. Knowledge obtained has been essential for expanding and continuing this parent counseling project.
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