Intent to use e-learning in the Technology Management Program from a Technology Acceptance Model perspective
Educational models, educational environment, student’s attitude, virtual learning.Abstract
This article is derived from a research study and is aimed at contributing to the study of university students’ intentions to use e-learning by utilizing the Technology Acceptance Model. The methodology used is based on an exploratory quantitative transversal research and the methodological instrument is a self-administered questionnaire applied to 100 active students in the Technology Management Program from “Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano” at Medellín. For the data analysis, the levels of association were quantified between the constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model using Cramer’s V coefficient, which were examined based on the typologies of surveyed students. Among the main findings, the explanatory capacity of the Technology Acceptance Model was verified by finding associations between perceived usefulness, ease of use, and student’s attitude and intention to use e-learning. It is concluded that surveyed students have greater preference for a classroom study with academic support on virtual learning tools and little intention to enroll in a virtual undergraduate program. More training and support in the use of e-learning tools is recommended to complement the educational processes of the Technology Management Program.References
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