Factors That Affect the Entrepreneurial Intention in University Students: A Qualitative Analysis
Entrepreneurial intention, business education, entrepreneurship.Abstract
This research aims to explore the factors encouraging entrepreneurial intentions at the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM - Metropolitan Technological Institute), located in Medellín. The methodological design set out is a qualitative type through the application of 29 semi-structured interviews to undergraduate students from Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM). They were interrogated about identified opportunities for new products, family social influence to create a business, balance between work and private life, as well as the motivating situation for business creation. Among the results, it was observed that students searched for creating a business by the expectation of labor independence. Among the suggestions, is set out that universities adopt teaching models oriented to entrepreneurship in order to have an overview over structure of the business sector when students finish their studies.
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