Impact of Armed Conflicts on Education and Educational Agents: A Multivocal Review




Armed conflicts, education, multivocal review, qualitative synthesis study


This paper investigates the short and long-term pernicious impact of armed conflicts on education and educational agents (students, teachers and students’ parents), using a multivocal review by means of the integration and qualitative analysis of 60 research reports (voices) found in two databases: Web of Science and PROQUEST in the period between 1995 –date of the first founding paper- until 2014. Through the analysis of source data (voices) and taking the “multivocal review” as a method, the voices have been combined in nine categories, namely: a) Refusal and impediments to a return to education; b) Educational infrastructure damaged or destroyed; c) Cuts in or withdrawal of spending on education; d) Loss of the educational and protective functions of the family; e) Loss of the academic community; f) Non-qualified teaching staff; g) Drastic loss of skills; h) Abandoning school (population movements, destruction of networks and social environment); i) Behavioural problems: traumas, pedagogical roles and self-victimization. These categories have highlighted the serious consequences arising from conflicts, infringing as they do the most basic human rights and in particular the right to a sound education during childhood.

Biografia do Autor

Luisa Cervantes-Duarte, Universidad de Granada

Diploma in Early Childhood Education Teaching. Licenced in Psychopedagogy. Masters in Psychopedagogical Intervention, from the University of Granada. Her interest areas are qualitative methodologies and resolution of conflicts.

Antonio Fernández-Cano, Universidad de Granada

Doctor in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Professor-chairman at the University of Granada. His interest areas are the methodologies for research and evaluation in Education, mixed methods and the impact of educational research.


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Como Citar

Impact of Armed Conflicts on Education and Educational Agents: A Multivocal Review (L. Cervantes-Duarte & A. Fernández-Cano , Trads.). (2016). Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(3), 1-24.



Artigos (Seção avaliada por pares)

Como Citar

Impact of Armed Conflicts on Education and Educational Agents: A Multivocal Review (L. Cervantes-Duarte & A. Fernández-Cano , Trads.). (2016). Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(3), 1-24.

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