Inclusive Museum: Look and don ́t touch


  • Alvaro Mendieta Vargas Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



social model of disability, Social inclusión, universal design, accesible cultural services


This paper is a brief conceptual and theoretical work about paradigmatic changes in  disability, focused over the Social Model and the universal design and its effects in human rights of accessing into culture and practical actions that can be adopted to turn accessible to all te people, mainly elderly citizen (65 year old and elder) cultural services and spaces, mostly, those from museums and art galleries



 It is based on personal reflections and own experiences, and pretend to sensitize about the experience of people with sight disability trying to access to this services, besides, to offer some general recommendations and expose several questions about the role universities in widening the opportunities of accessing and enjoying all cultural products and services for people with disability and the elderly. 

In order to avoid exclusion and discrimination because of the different barriers of the costarrican cultural world, public policies and legislation in the cultural rights field, it must be contemplated the designing of spaces, products and services applying universal design and the accessibility criteria for all people. In Costa Rica this is legally entailed for those programs and services that count with state and municipal financing.



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How to Cite

Inclusive Museum: Look and don ́t touch. (2015). Revista ABRA, 35(50), 1-14.

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