ISSN: 1409-3928 / EISSN: 2215-2997

ABRA is an academic research journal from Universidad Nacional (UNA). Its main purpose is to share national and international academic and scientific findings on Social Sciences. This job is done by publishing two issues per year in both printed and digital formats. All the content from the journal is merely academical, and it covers several different topics that are addressed to researchers, instructors, students, and the general public that might be interested on social sciences.

ABRA´s publications are based on scientific research, articles based on experiences from social interactions and community services, teaching experiences, reports on other findings, and case análisis.

Current Issue

Vol. 43 No. 67 (2023): REVISTA ABRA (July-December) Número en curso
Published: 2023-12-21


  • The Catholic Church in Costa Rica before the Pentecostal boom

    Luis Alberto Orellana Urtubia, Claudio Hernán Pérez Barría, Zicri Orellana Rojas
  • Cognitive theories on decision making: among reason, emotions and social context

    Pablo Chaverri Chaves, Rolando Barrantes Pereira
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