About the Journal

EISSN: 2215-3896 / ISSN: 1409-2158


To stimulate, publish and disseminate novel, relevant and rigorous research in the environmental field that allows professionals, researchers and students through their daily practices and training processes to contribute to the solution of environmental problems, particularly for the Latin American region.

Focus and Scope

The scope of the journal includes the following themes: management and conservation of natural resources, biodiversity, watersheds, forests, ecosystem services, climate change, environmental management, sustainability, environmental education, socioeconomics and the environment, and others related themes that attain to the better understanding, management and protection of the environment, but particularly to the solution of environmental problems in Latin America.

Primary audience

It is primarily aimed to scholars, graduate students, officials and members of governmental and nongovernmental organizations with expertise in environmental matters.

Peer Review Process

All submitted original manuscripts are subject to a blind peer review process. The arbitration policy is described in detail here. During this process reviewers use a guide to provide their verdict and have the duty of confidentiality or obligation of secrecy to not disclose the manuscript that has been entrusted for review.

Publication Frequency

Continuous publication with a semi-annual schedule:

  • 1st issue: January 01st
  • 2nd issue: July 01st

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research available to the public free of charge, which fosters a greater exchange of global knowledge. There is no cost for access to the articles, nor for the processing, review, sending and publication of the articles.

Intelectual property

Papers published follow Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY NC SA 4.0 International), which implies readers can freely download, store, copy, and distribute the final approved and published version (post print) of the paper as long as it is not done so for commercial purposes and the source and author of the article are mentioned.


The Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences has the following means for the preservation of its publications: a) internally, it has storage on external hard drives that update its content at least every six months; b) all the articles of the Journal are deposited in the Repository of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica; c) As part of the PKP-PN (PKP Preservation Network) initiative, the articles of the Journal are deposited and preserved in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe). See: The Keepers Registry.

Interoperability and identification of information

The Journal uses the OAI-PMH and DOI.

Plagiarism policy

The Journal penalizes plagiarism in all its forms. The detection of plagiarism implies the conclusion of the editorial process in any of its stages. In the case of articles already published, these will be eliminated from the collection and the employer institutions will be contacted to report this type of behavior. The Journal will ensure that both the editorial team and the review and authorship team comply with ethical standards in the process of reviewing and publishing an article through a transparent and plagiarism-free process. For more information, it is recommended to consult the International Standards for editors and authors of the Committee of Ethics in Publication (COPE) and those of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). To detect plagiarism, the magazine uses the Turnitin program.


Policy of publication by the same author

To promote greater exogeneity and in response to the request by various indexes, the Editorial Board of the Journal approved as a policy that a person cannot publish more than one article as an author or co-author in the same issue. 


Financial support (Sporsor)

The only financing entity of the journal is Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica: https://ror.org/01t466c14.


History of the Journal

The Journal was created in 1980 and is published every six months by the School of Environmental Sciences of the Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. More than 50 volumes have been published.