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Author Guidelines

For the preparation of the articles, please review in detail the Guidelines for submission of articles and the Guidelines for the design of figures .

Articles that fail to comply with what is requested in these guidelines will not continue the editorial process.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The proposed manuscript is strictly original, has not been previously published or is under review in any other medium, and there is no redundancy, self-plagiarism or plagiarism.
  • It is sent the full name, area of specialization, institution and email address of at least three possible expert reviewers in the field, who are not involved in any way with this research and who do not work for the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.

  • You accept that the articles published in the Revista de Ciencias Ambientales, are governed under the license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which implies the possibility that readers can freely download, store, copy and distribute the final approved and published version (< em>post print) of the article, as long as it is done for non-commercial purposes, no derivative works are generated and the source and authorship of the work are mentioned.
  • According to the case, a letter of authorization for the use of data from third parties or institutions is sent.
  • The document cites, using the APA reference style, all the documents of external authors, respecting intellectual property and professional ethics.
  • The figures (graphics, diagrams, maps, photographs, etc.) comply with the requirements specified in the Guidelines for the design of figures.
  • The Statement of originality and copyright transfer is signed and sent.
  • The proposed text meets all the style and reference requirements specified in the Guidelines for the submittion of articles



  • Artículos originales producto de trabajos de investigación.
  • Artículos metodológicos: presentan metodologías nuevas o significativamente mejoradas.
  • Revisiones teóricas/revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura: analizan de manera organizada la teoría para explicar el estado del arte y la construcción de nuevas propuestas teóricas en un área temática. Estas revisiones son realizadas por personas expertas en la temática, y deben seguir una estricta metodología propia de dichos artículos que incluye análisis sistemáticos o metaanálisis (a, b, c, d, e). Entre otros, no se aceptan ensayos, revisiones no sistemáticas de la literatura, discusiones, disertaciones.

Privacy Statement

In accordance with Costa Rican Law No. 8968, law for the protection of individuals against the processing of their personal data, the AUTHOR(S) consents to the journal the provision of an email address and personal data necessary to identify the authors of the article. In turn, authorize the journal to publish with the article, the necessary personal data (name, title, specialty, institution, city/country, ORCID and email).   Any other personal data other than the indicated above, will be protected by the Journal confidentially and may not be disclosed or transferred to third parties without consent of the author(s).