Gone with the wind: Do we know the impact that produce wind energy causes on flying vertebrates of Costa Rica?


  • Victor J. Acosta-Chaves Universidad Nacional, Universidad de Costa Rica y Universidad Técnica Nacional, Costa Rica
  • David Villalobos-Chaves Programa para la Conservación de los Murciélagos de Costa Rica (PCMCR), Costa Rica




Bat fatalities, bird fatalities, clean energy, conservation politics, Neotropical wind farms, Tilaran Mountain ridge


The clean energy industry has been growing in Costa Rica, especially wind energy, during the last years. However, at least for the best of our knowledge, published scientific information about diversity, and collision rates, upon bats and birds in wind farms of Costa Rica is not-existent. In this manuscript we highlight the importance of establish biological monitoring programs in the wind farms, to determinate changes in the diversity of flying vertebrates, as well to evaluate the impact of wind towers upon the local and regional biodiversity. We suggest to public and private actors involving in wind energy production and conservation in Costa Rica to work together in order to answer the questions formulated in this manuscript as a priority, and eventually mitigate effectively any potential threat on our biodiversity. The development of research and politics related with those issues is critical to make correct decisions in relation with the wind energy future of the country in armony with nature.

Author Biographies

Victor J. Acosta-Chaves, Universidad Nacional, Universidad de Costa Rica y Universidad Técnica Nacional

Académico especialista en herpetofauna y avifauna de Costa Rica, Instituto Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre, Universidad Nacional y académico en Universidad de Costa Rica Sede Atlántico y Universidad Técnica Nacional Sede Pacífico, Costa Rica

David Villalobos-Chaves, Programa para la Conservación de los Murciélagos de Costa Rica (PCMCR)

Investigador y especialista en mamíferos de Costa Rica, Programa para la Conservación de los Murciélagos de Costa Rica (PCMCR)


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How to Cite

Acosta-Chaves, V. J., & Villalobos-Chaves, D. (2017). Gone with the wind: Do we know the impact that produce wind energy causes on flying vertebrates of Costa Rica?. Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences, 52(1), 239-246. https://doi.org/10.15359/rca.52-1.14

How to Cite

Acosta-Chaves, V. J., & Villalobos-Chaves, D. (2017). Gone with the wind: Do we know the impact that produce wind energy causes on flying vertebrates of Costa Rica?. Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences, 52(1), 239-246. https://doi.org/10.15359/rca.52-1.14

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