Artisanal Fishery and Participation in Conservation of Marine-Coastal Resources


  • Marvin Fonseca Coopesolidar R. L., Costa Rica
  • Vivianne Solís Coopesolidar R. L., Costa Rica



Perca artesanal; Conservación; Recursos marino-costeros


This article goes through the main agreements and discussions emerged from the global and regional encounters on coastal-marine conservation efforts. Lessons learnt and reached through Coopesolidar´s R. L. and Coope tárcoles´s R. L. associativity are shared. Among the main thoughts are: the lack of clarity, from a political and technical point of view, about the existent differences in the fishing sector and the need to precise what is understood as artisanal fishing. The importance of coping and regulating the marine environmental impact of fishing arts such as dragging and a the coastal-marine  development  model  that  deepens  the differences in equity and distribution of benefits from conservation are finally highlighted.

Author Biographies

Marvin Fonseca, Coopesolidar R. L.

Geógrafo, funcionario de Coopesolidar R. L., Costa Rica

Vivianne Solís, Coopesolidar R. L.

Bióloga, funcionaria de Coopesolidar R. L., Costa Rica


CDB. 2004. Anexo de decisiones adoptadas por la Conferencia de las Partes en el CDB en su Séptima Reunión.

Impac 1. 2005. Congress Program and Absracts. Geelong Australia.

Mar abierto [boletín], 1, 2005.

Solís, V., P. Madrigal y S. Robles. 2005. La Ley de pesca y acui-cultura: Hacia un diálogo sobre la pesca, la ética y el mar. San José.

World Parks Congress. 2003. Benefits Beyond Boundaries. Proceeding of the Vth IUCN Word Parks Congress. Durban, Sudáfrica., 8 al 17 de septiembre de 2003, Recomendaciones, WPC Rec. 5.17.




How to Cite

Fonseca, M., & Solís, V. (2005). Artisanal Fishery and Participation in Conservation of Marine-Coastal Resources. Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences, 30(1), 44-51.

How to Cite

Fonseca, M., & Solís, V. (2005). Artisanal Fishery and Participation in Conservation of Marine-Coastal Resources. Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences, 30(1), 44-51.

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