Diagnosis of the Common Practices of Waste Management in Marginalized Localities: A Case Study
degree of marginalization, uncontrolled burning, unsustainable practicesAbstract
[Introduction]: Proper waste management, in its stages of collection, treatment, and disposal, is one of the environmental challenges countries worldwide currently face. Generally, in each nation, government authorities give special attention to large cities, discriminating against rural localities due to the lack of economic and technical resources to treat and dispose of the waste properly in these sites, being the settlers responsible for giving proper management to their waste; however, the practices that they perform are not reported. [Objective]: To diagnose the current waste management by settlers of three rural localities with a medium degree of marginalization, corresponding to Colonia Hidalgo, Ejido Zaragoza, and Plan de Guadalupe in Sombrerete (Zacatecas, Mexico). [Methodology]: The information was obtained by applying a survey-type questionnaire to a representative sample of each locality. [Results]: It was determined that the uncontrolled burning of waste is the most performed practice; organic waste is used as livestock feed in non-sanitary conditions; recyclable waste is separated, but only part of it is sold; fertilizer sacks are reused, and pesticide containers are burned in uncontrolled conditions; these practices affect the environment and the settlers’ health. [Conclusions]: The lack of attention from government authorities in waste management in rural and marginalized localities is evident so that the settlers develop unsustainable practices.
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