Land cover and land use determination using RapidEye in Los Nevados National Park and its buffer zone in Colombia.




Andean ecosystems; land cover classification scheme; remote sensing; supervised classification.


[Introduction]: Los Nevados National Natural Park - PNNN is one of the main protected areas of the Colombian Andean region, it is home to a large paramo ecosystem that provides different ecosystem services to the region, the quantification and analysis of its natural cover and land use is essential for conservation processes. [Objective]: To determine the main land cover and land use (CT-US) of the PNNN and its buffer area in an area of ​​1,250 km2 located on the right flank of the department of Tolima in Colombia, standardizing the land cover classification scheme for Colombia. [Methodology]: It involved the use of remote sensing techniques for the processing of a RapidEye image from the year 2010, as well as image interpretation techniques, supervised classification, field work for the validation of results, and the development of thematic cartography at 1:25,000 scale. [Results]: a radiometric improvement of the RapidEye image was obtained, also, 10 CT-US patterns were generated for the supervised classification, within the validation of results an overall reliability of 89.52 % and a kappa coefficient of 0.88 were obtained. Additionally, 14 homologated categories were generated under the land cover classification scheme for Colombia and cartography of the PNNN and its buffer zone was generated at a 1:25,000 scale. [Conclusions]: This study allowed to obtain the context of the coverage of the PNNN for 2010 and its buffer zone, which will serve as background and support for future research involving the planning of natural resources in Latin America and the Andean region.

Author Biographies

Mauricio Alejandro Perea-Ardila, Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas del Pacífico.


Jair Ricardo Vaquiro, Corporación Autónoma Regional del Cauca Popayán.


Jeisson Rodríguez-Valenzuela, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products.



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How to Cite

Perea-Ardila, M. A., Vaquiro, J. R., & Rodríguez-Valenzuela, J. (2022). Land cover and land use determination using RapidEye in Los Nevados National Park and its buffer zone in Colombia. Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences, 56(2), 148-176.

How to Cite

Perea-Ardila, M. A., Vaquiro, J. R., & Rodríguez-Valenzuela, J. (2022). Land cover and land use determination using RapidEye in Los Nevados National Park and its buffer zone in Colombia. Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences, 56(2), 148-176.

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