Methods to characterize vascular epiphytes in the context of nature tourism
Epiphytes, diversity, ecotourism, trails, communityAbstract
[Introduction]: Epiphytes represent up to 10 % of global diversity and up to 30 % of Andean forests. Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Araceae and Gesneriaceae are among the most important. Their shapes, colors, and sizes, as well as their interaction with insects, birds and invertebrates have captivated specialists, but also a wide audience around the world. Nature tourism is consolidated in places that offer unique experiences and is a growing economic sector in several tropical countries. Epiphytic plants are among the local attractions with the greatest potential for sightings in the tropics. [Objective]: To present a methodology to document epiphytes on farms, natural reserves, and protected areas, to improve biological information about them, facilitate guidance, and broaden the visitor experience. [Methodology]: Several years of field work have allowed us to adapt some methods and propose new ones to strengthen the experience of visitors with a focus on nature tourism. [Results]: Five methods are proposed (semi-detailed transects, sighting stations, ad libitum trails, fallen trees and permanent plots), and a in situ conservation method (living collection) to complete the characterization. Likewise, an analysis of the benefits, times, costs, and priorities of each method is presented. [Conclusions]: These methods, along with illustrated flora guides and trained local human resources, constitute the central axes for nature tourism, community empowerment and the strengthening of the conservation processes.
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