The bulletin ASCUBI Villa Clara, reflection of the informative event in the center of Cuba
ASCUBI Villa Clara bulletin, ASCUBI Villa Clara association, historical analysis, communicative analysis, professional library associations bulletins, Classification of serials, Background and research problem, research problemAbstract
The bulletins of the library associations in Cuba reached a great boom from the 1930s onwards. ASCUBI Villa Clara arose in 1990 as a publication developed within a province in the central region of Cuba. The bulletin attempted to collect some historical details of the association. About ASCUBI Villa Clara there are only descriptive annotations about the composition, structure and personalities linked to its publication. The objectives are to evaluate the contribution of the bulletin ASCUBI Villa Clara to the library profession in the territory and to analyze the structure of the publication from the technical, formal and communicative points of view. Several historical aspects of the publication were identified from the analysis of the documents and the interview with the people involved with the publication. In addition, technical, formal and communicative aspects that characterized the bulletin were specified.
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