Proposal for an Integrated Library Management System for the Municipal Library System of the Municipality of San José


  • Jenny Ulate Montero Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Costa Rica



Municipal Libraries, Integrated Library Management Systems, Automation of Libraries.


This project describes the automation process for the Municipal Libraries of the Central canton of San Jose with the purpose of proposing an Integrated Library Management System that pretends to solve the need of having the technological tool to carry out this process. A diagnose was made with the intent to describe the library processes and the current state of the products and services of the municipal libraries. It also includes a description of the different resources the libraries have, such as human, financial and technical infrastructure, in order to determine the functional requirements for the Integrated System proposed so we can identify the technical, economical and operational feasibility to implement the appropriate automation program for the Municipal Libraries System.


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How to Cite

Proposal for an Integrated Library Management System for the Municipal Library System of the Municipality of San José. (2020). Bibliotecas, 38(1), 1-27.

How to Cite

Proposal for an Integrated Library Management System for the Municipal Library System of the Municipality of San José. (2020). Bibliotecas, 38(1), 1-27.

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