Methodological Experience Used by the Teachers of the School of Library, Documentation and Information in the Incorporation of the RDA in the Course Programs
Description and Access to Resources, RDA, Bibliographic description, Methodological strategies, Conceptual model, FRBR, School of Library, Documentation and InformationAbstract
The results of the methodological approach used in the incorporation of the RDA contents in the Information Storage and Retrieval courses I and II are presented, as well as in the course Processing of special materials between 2016 and 2018, implemented by the professors of the School of Library, Documentation and Information (EBDI), of the National University, Costa Rica. In the analysis of these results, the theoretical and methodological approach associated with the norm of description and access to resources (RDA) was identified, as well as the use of the case study, inverted class, group research, conceptual maps and comparative tables, as didactic strategies to mediate the teaching process of authorized access points, preferred titles, identification of attributes by work, expression, manifestation and item, authority catalogs and use of the bibliographic and authority MARC format.
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