The Scientific Production of Colombian HEIs in Scopus (2006–2015)




Scientometrics, scientific output, bibliometric indicators, evaluation of research, Higher Education Institutions


The knowledge generated and accumulated in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is one of the bases for their social function, for this reason it is important to measure the evolution and the thematic patterns of their scientific production registered in the publications. The scientific production of the Colombian HEIs, was characterized during the period between 2006 and 2015 through the analysis of the scientific activity in the Scopus databases. For the analysis of the thematic distribution of each HEIs, the structure used by the National Accreditation Council (NAC) was used, which groups the thematic areas into eight large groups according to the fields of knowledge. Self-citations were not excluded. As a standardization source, the National Higher Education Information System which organizes, which includes a directory of HEIs and statistics with specific indicators (Ministry of Education, 2009). The results show that the citation index of the researchers of the Colombian HEIs is growing as well as their intellectual production and is concentrated mainly in ten universities, which possibly have greater international visibility in terms of indexed publications.


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How to Cite

The Scientific Production of Colombian HEIs in Scopus (2006–2015). (2021). Bibliotecas, 39(1), 1-28.

How to Cite

The Scientific Production of Colombian HEIs in Scopus (2006–2015). (2021). Bibliotecas, 39(1), 1-28.

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