Independence era Newspapers. Digitized Collections and Their Importance for Academic Research




Periodical press, Miguel Obregón Loría National Library, Latin American thought, Costa Rican newspapers, digital collections


This essay examines on the worth of periodicals as object of research and proposes that digitization processes of newspaper collections by the Miguel Obregón Loría National Library is an invaluable contribution for scholarly research.  It also proposed that the strategy of preservation, indexing and circulation is a further contribution to the democratization access to knowledge and information. It is concluded that the recuperation of those newspapers that came to light shortly, after the independence of Costa Rica, and that were included in a microsite dedicated to the bicentennial's heritage, is an invaluable source for research on thought and ideas.


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How to Cite

Independence era Newspapers. Digitized Collections and Their Importance for Academic Research. (2022). Bibliotecas, 40(1), 1-12.

How to Cite

Independence era Newspapers. Digitized Collections and Their Importance for Academic Research. (2022). Bibliotecas, 40(1), 1-12.

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